Presidents Message – January 2018

Happy New Year Everyone!

Your HOA Board has a lot in store for you this year that you won’t want to miss.

The first step is renewal of your HOA Membership.  Remember that you must be a member to participate in HOA events, and as you’ll see later this month, the opportunity to have your voice heard on key community topics. To those of you who have joined the HOA for 2018, THANK YOU!  If you haven’t joined or aren’t sure if you have, click here to go to take care of that membership!

Join or Renew Your HOA Membership

January will be a busy month!

Be Engaged: Once again Diane Delgouffre and her Social Committee has a full complement of activities you’ll want to explore.  Several are available right now on the HOA event calendar on Tellico Life.  Join us at the first Social of the year on January 9th to learn about more activities or just mingle with others.  Just another reminder to renew your membership before this so you won’t need to take time to do that at the social.

Be Informed: On January 25th, we will be holding our first General Meeting of the year.  “Local Initiative and their Impacts” is the topic of our meeting where you’ll hear from POA and community leaders.

Be Heard:  As Annette Schmidt mentioned in her Newsletter article, she’ll be sending a short survey your way this month to get a read from you on key aspects of the HOA and beyond.

In addition to our HOA activities we will be partnering with other groups to lend our membership’s voice.

Soon on the HOA website you’ll see information about the Real Estate Scoreboard’s Bliss Award for which Tellico Village has been awarded many times.  There will also be a link for you to follow to vote for our community.

Your HOA Board is also participating in other initiatives to take a forward look at shaping the future of Tellico Village.  More to come on that in a few months.

Again, 2018 is going to be a great year to be an HOA Member!