Aesthetics & Environment (A&E) – July


By:  Jim Hawkey A&E Committee Chair

I have been asked to share information I have accumulated that addresses the Tick Issue in Tellico Village related to yard treatment approaches.

I am not an expert on Ticks. Like many issues it is more complex the more you learn about the issue.

First, do your own research by looking for Tick control in yards and on animals. Everyone has a unique set of circumstances at your home, that only you can determine what approach works for you. Remember that most internet sites are trying to sell you a product or a service.

What habitats do Ticks prefer?

            Wooded areas (avoid)

            Yard brush (eliminate)

            Piles of sticks or wood piles (move to remote area or eliminate)

            Tall grass, higher than 4-inches (cut regularly).

Most lawns are cut to a 3-inch height. Up to 4-inches is better for your lawn and the environment.

I prefer “natural” environmentally friendly approaches, when possible, when dealing with pests.

1-Avoid or eliminate the areas that Ticks prefer, listed above

2-Create a 3-4 ft buffer of wood chip mulch or gravel buffer area between wooded areas and a lawn play area for kids, adults and pets. Keep play areas 8-ft away from wooded areas even with a buffer for added safety.,

3-Plant natural vegetation that Ticks do not like such as: Garlic, Sage, Mint, Lavender, Rosemary, and Marigold.

4-Use kid and pet friendly natural sprays. Please read the fine print on the labels.

            Natural pesticides will only last up to 2 weeks and effectiveness is diluted by rain. Additional they usually cost more than chemical poisons (pesticides)

If you choose a chemical poison (pesticides), first read the fine print on the container. Chemical pesticides come in concentrated or diluted containers. If you choose a commercial pest control company, make sure you fully understand what they are applying, get a copy of the contents and their effects on pets and limitations.

1-They usually last up to 3 months some claim 6- month effectiveness

2-Are less expensive

3-May be easier to apply

4-Be careful-read fine print to fully understand what the limitations and their effects are to ticks and pets.

                        May be harmful to pets and children

                        Follow the application instruction, do not over spray

5- Are harmful to small aquatic animals in Tellico Lake when they run-off during a rain event or over watering.

Two internet sites that I found helpful are: (There are additional sites as well.)

There are multiple sites starting here.

Bob Vila of this old house fame. Gives his thoughts and ranking of sprays

Unfortunately, the most effective and cheapest chemical pesticides are the most harmful to the environment and may be unsafe for children and pests.