November 2023 Neighborhood Watch – ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE NEXT EMERGENCY?

Neighborhood Watch recently sponsored an event presentation in Kahite regarding Emergency Preparedness.  Tellico Village resident, Kevin Haney, talked about why it is important to prepare for emergencies, having a family emergency plan, receiving alerts and warnings, evacuation routes and Emergency GO kits.  These are all things residents of our community should be ready for in the event of a natural disaster, medical emergency, major power outage or other large event.

Tellico Village is a large community with a lot of residents who, when it happens, might all try to evacuate at the same time.  Imagine what the traffic will be like on Hwy 444 if that were to occur?!!  Do you know alternate routes getting to Hwy 444 in the event a tree is down and you can not get out of your neighborhood?  Do you know other ways to exit Tellico Village besides getting to Hwy 321 or Hwy 72.  

Do you know what you are going to grab in an emergency situation when you have to leave?  Medications, documents, things that prepare you to be away from your home possibly for days at a time. 

And where are you going?  Know places you might go to or nearby family you can meet up at.  What if your significant other is not with you when it happens?  Communications are down and you can’t use your cell phone.  Do you have a known location you can both meet up at besides your home?  

Or will you simply shelter in place?  

All of these things were talked about significantly in the Neighborhood Watch Emergency Preparedness presentation.  And we should all be thinking about them ahead of time, practicing your plan and being prepared just in case.  

Good news…we will be repeating this event in the Main Village in the upcoming months.  Keep your eyes open for an upcoming date and mark your calendars. 

Thank you for your continued support of the Neighborhood Watch program.